I’m so close to being caught up I can almost taste it. Then maybe I will blog about things other than 365. Maybe. Probably not, but maybe.
Day 76. aka St. Patrick’s Day!
Day 77. Late night blogging.
I’m not good at blogging late at night. Some people are, but I really am not. I’m the best at catching up when it’s like 11 am and I have all day to sit at Starbucks and bounce between WordPress and Pinterest and make phone calls and write letters and read and then go back to blogging…. all the while refilling my caramel iced coffee with cream. But I’m trying.
Day 78. Brides
I’m one of those freaks of nature who absolutely LOVES weddings…. and all things wedding related. I have a bridal magazine collection that teeters between pathetic and impressive. Maybe it’s imprathetic. Anyway. I bought a new one, since I haven’t in awhile.
Day 79. IKEA
One of my favorite tag feeds to browse on instagram is #ikea. I love to see what people do with what they find at IKEA. The #ikea feed was the inspiration behind my bedspread. Stopped by IKEA and picked up a few things. Have I mentioned yet (yes I have) that I’m trying to change the feel of my room by simplifying and being more aware of the things I put in it? One day I’ll be able to share pictures. One day.
Day 80. Maggie.
I love Maggie. She is wonderful.
Day 81. Bible Bowl
It was a beautiful day at camp for our Bible Bowl competition.