Day 61. Young Adult Dinner.
Salvation Army pastors in the area invited young adults over for dinner. We made it ourselves (okay so my friends made it and I played with the kids, pretty typical) and enjoyed a time of discussion afterwards.
Day 62. Mocha Club
I donated $50 to my friend Annie‘s purpose project and as a result got to fill out an application to go to Kenya with her. My application wasn’t chosen, but I am just SO EXCITED that her project was funded and she totally raised an insane amount of money in a very short amount of time.
Day 63. Lipgloss
As part of my never-ending quest to simplify my life, I have started to go through my bathroom closet that is just overrun with stuff and organize it all. I am one of the zillions of people with a chapstick problem…. the big problem being that I lose them and then replace them and then find them. I went through pockets, checked drawers and decided to use my old accessory hanger as a way to keep track of my chapsticks… and discovered that maybe I have a lot more than I realized.
Day 65. Hot chocolate and popcorn
After Valentine’s Day, I got a bag of snack-sized tutti fruity flavored kettle corn. And I am trying to ration them, because they are so… so… good. and throwback to winter: my Mickey Christmas mug.
Day 66. flowers.
Winter is brutal, man. So to have a beautiful day and notice the color starting to spring up in our yard gave me a whole lot of hope. Hope that the cold warms, the ice melts, and there are days full of light ahead of me.
Day 67. rain.
And then….. right back to the rain. These two pictures in a row make me think of a great Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers song that says “you’re still here like a flower in the rain; you get knocked down then you rise up again.”