is sparkle a color?


My friend Sean was in town over Thanksgiving weekend. I’ve known Sean for like twelve years or something crazy. Seriously, look at us way back in high school:


and look at us now!

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I like when Sean smiles and when he laughs. I like how nice he has alway been to me and to others and I like how he has this crazy way of making me feel like I am the coolest person alive whenever I see him. He’s quality.

When we got up, he noticed my gold sequins boots and commented on them. I said “Thanks! Sparkle is my second favorite color, after pink.” and he quickly said “sparkle is not a color.”

To which I disagreed and insisted that sparkle is indeed a color. He told me if I could find him a Crayola crayon called “sparkle,” then he’d give it to me. I responded with the idea that crayola only has like 130 different colors and despite what he said, there were plenty more colors than that. He insisted that if it’s a color, crayola has a crayon.

So I asked the lady who was ringing us up if sparkle was a color. The very moment that she said yes, an older couple at the table behind us piped in. The woman said “yes,” the man said “no,” and then a man walking past us said “sparkle is not a color, don’t give in.”

Later, when I went to Beth and Mitchell’s house I asked them if sparkle was a color. Mitchell said no. Beth said yes.

I’m thinking that boys do not recognize sparkle as a color, but girls totally do.

I am looking for more input. Is sparkle a color?

Also. These are my gold sequins boots that started the whole thing:

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset


8 thoughts on “is sparkle a color?

  1. I’ll go with a color… its a form of a color. If you can have twenty shades of pink, then you can have every color “sparkled” 🙂
    Those boots are fab!!!

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