So. I have been going over both my 101 in 1001 and 26 before 26 lists and have realized that there are a lot of things that are very specific to #1. living in the Portland area and/or #2. living with all of my stuff.. neither of which I will be doing for the next year. So my 26 before 26.. out the window. I will be doing whatever I can with both, but I could not resist this from Marcie’s blog. A 30 day challenge. Something to blog about every day… because we all know that’s what I need 😉 The idea is that you take the list given and post a picture with a description.
ps thanks Marcie. you are awesome 🙂
Day 1 — Your best friend
My best friend – Emily.
A few years ago, I wouldn’t have had anybody to list under my best friend. I don’t – and still kind of don’t – buy into the idea of “best friends” or friends with special expectations given to them. There are a few really close friends I have that would constitute as best friends, but when it comes to identifying one best friend – the one who will be my maid of honor when I get married, the godmother of my children, the one I never tire of or fear conflict with – it is Emily. Â She and I can sit next to each other in silence for a half an hour and have a great time. She is my partner in crime and now I miss her a lot.
What a fun picture of Emily! Makes me wanna take one of me like that 🙂 Glad you’re doing the 30 day challenge! Maybe you’ll be better about keeping up with it than me 😉
haha we can only hope. have you at least been like reading through the days you haven’t been able to go through or whatever? you should just keep doing it until you’ve done it 😉