2014, week 11.

2014, week 11.

Day 68. Scrimmage With the divisional Bible Bowl tournament coming up at the end of the month, we met up with a Salvation Army church nearby and had a little scrimmage match. We won the…

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2014, week 9.

2014, week 9.

Day 55. overachievers So I’m not sure how these people fit all those bodies into such a small car, but kudos. And yes, this is a super zoomed in picture from my phone. Day 56.…

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2014, days 52-54.

2014, days 52-54.

Day 52: Love Does Have you ever read a book that is just so great you want everyone to read it and you wish you could give copies to everyone you know? That is me…

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the opposite of worry.

the opposite of worry.

2014, Day 51. My friend Cassie asked me to talk to her middle school small group about worry. I spent a lot of time thinking about worry, and I stumbled upon this idea: It is…

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2014, days 48-50

2014, days 48-50

I’m almost a month behind on my pictures. For the following reasons: #1. At the end of February, my memory card started being unreasonably full. I got in the habit of deleting old pictures, and…

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2014, week 6

2014, week 6

Day 35. Make today count. My daily reminder that I’ve only got one shot at each day. Day 36. San Francisco. In honor of getting ready to drive to San Francisco, my dad and I…

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