prayer experiment day #3

Last night was a good night for me in terms of prayer. For the staff worship time, we had big pieces of paper where people wrote down things to pray for and stuff, but I couldn’t get my brain to focus on praying. So I sat quietly for a few minutes and put my hands on some of the words people had written, and I knew the Lord knew. That was a great feeling.

Then as I was trying to sleep, my mind was racing and I was starting to get stressed out about a variety of things and I felt this really calm decision grow in my heart to create a list of the things that were stressing me out. So I did, and once it was on paper my spirit settled. I looked into the dark and asked Jesus to take it all, because I didn’t need to start worrying about my future; whether that is in a few weeks or a few days.

It is changing my heart. I’m finding myself stretching towards the Lord more throughout my day, wordlessly inviting him in and preparing my moments to be invaded by Him. It’s good.

Please try this prayer experiment yourself. I think it’s changed my life.
