TWOsday: De-cluttering / Ernie Halter and Justin Bieber

Oh man. Important things today like Ernie Halter and Justin Bieber.

TWOsday //


The other day I had dreams of spending all day blogging. I thought, “I’ll start by de-cluttering my bookshelf so I could write a post about that.”

As I was going through things, I thought… why do I even have this bookshelf? To put stuff on? I rarely actually use anything on here. I’ve been thinking this for awhile, but I decided that I don’t need a bookshelf anymore. Like… extreme de-cluttering. But then I actually had stuff that I needed to put somewhere. I took down another shelf in my room, too. Moved some things around my closet organizer. And then there went my blogging day. But now I have so much more SPACE! This is what it used to look like – what do y’all think of it now?! Now it just needs some paint and a little more purpose in the things on the wall.

decluttering // decluttering // decluttering //

That last picture shows all of the aftermath of taking out my bookshelf. Hopefully I’ll soon figure out what to do with that stuff.

Side note: being on anti-depressants is amazing. I have so much energy. and I want to do things again.


Y’all! Nearly five years ago, Justin Bieber covered my friend Ernie‘s song overseas. This isn’t my friend Ernie like “some guy I know,” this is the guy whose family I always visit in Nashville! Anyway! It was this huge deal, and Justin Bieber ended up surprising Ernie at one of his shows and singing with him. I’M NOT EVEN KIDDING, HERE IS A VIDEO:

ANYWAY!!! JUSTIN DID IT AGAIN!!! A few nights ago in Texas, Justin Bieber sang that song again! WHAT!

Ugh. I just can’t even handle it. So excited! I’ve been a little MIA with the TWOsdays, sincerest apologies! If you happen to have written a TWOsday post in my absence, feel free to link it up here:

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