31 days of waiting – procrastinwaiting

A few days ago I got all YOLO and wrote this post about not waiting and at the end I stupidly threw in that I’ll try to muster up the courage to tell the boy I like how I feel. And I wish I hadn’t. Mostly because then I realized that I am procrastinwaiting. See what I did there?

I do it in a lot of ways, too.

There are things in my life I straight up DON’T WANT TO DO, so I come up with great ways to disguise my procrastinating as waiting. I think any time our description of why we’re waiting has format of “As soon as _________, then I’ll ___________.” or “I’d _________, but _________.” or “When _________, I can ______.”

You know what they are for you. But it’s this crap that’s like:

“When I lose ten pounds, I’ll start wearing clothes I love.”


“I’d tell the boy I like how I feel, but the situation is never right.” (ugh guilty)


“When I get a pay raise, I can start saving money.”

You know. Things we can do but choose to wait because we actually don’t want to. We procrastinwait by acting like there are SO MANY  HURDLES between us and the thing we want. Maybe because we are lazy or fearful (CHECK!) or simply comfortable.

I’m trying hard to deflate all of my excuses, to put on my big girl panties and just do things. The excuses will always pile up and eventually they’ll suffocate the opportunity. The time is now, my people. The time is now.
