31 days of waiting – don’t wait too long.


Yesterday I woke up and I had time to write a blog post.
But I didn’t.

and I came home from work and I had time to write a blog post.
But I didn’t.

Then I went to the mall and the grocery store and I had time to write a blog post.
But I didn’t.

and now I’m going to bed. I’m not even going to try and sneak this post in. I’m posting it bright and early in the morning.

Because time is precious and it slips through our fingers before we realize what’s happening. We live our lives with “I will later, I’ll have more energy later, more inspiration, more resources, more blah blah.” and then it doesn’t happen and suddenly we’ve run out of time.

So whatever it is that you’re waiting for – DO IT! NOW!

{and I’ll try to take my own advice and start mustering up the courage to tell the boy I like how I feel. I’ll let you know how it goes.}
