December Goals

This month was a bust, goal wise. You know something funny? Somehow in my head, if I haven’t officially posted a new month of goals, it’s still the previous month. I didn’t factor in being gone for a week or Thanksgiving or anything, so.. well, yeah. But it’s okay.

I will say, though, I’m pretty mad that I didn’t buy fresh flowers. One of my 101 in 1001 goals is to buy flowers for myself every month for a year. I was on a 3 month streak. Dust yourself off and try again.

  1. Try a new recipe we tried this salsa verde chicken recipe that I can no longer find on the internet but it was SO GOOD.
  2. Buy fresh flowers
  3. Call the library about my library books
  4. Change my name
  5. Watch one movie Justen wants me to see & one Harry Potter movie
  6. Have 800 active listings on Poshmark
  7. Try 2 new coffee shops Sleepy Monk in Cannon Beach, OR &
  8. Try 1 new restaurant Pelican Brewing.
  9. Order Christmas Thank You cards
  10. Post at least one blog post a week

December Goals //

December Goals

  1. Try a new recipe
  2. Buy fresh flowers
  3. Get a new social security card
  4. Try 2 new coffee shops
  5. Create a bullet journal for my 2018 goals
  6. Leave a $20 tip for a bill under $10
  7. Consume 64 ounces of water a day for 2 weeks
  8. Read 2 books
    I know that I often suck at reading two books, but I’m like 20 pages shy of finishing one. To say read 1 book seems cheap.
  9. Read a book of the Bible
  10. Memorize and make a blog post about my most FAVORITE curry chicken recipe.

Sometimes my goals seem repetitive (the recipe & flowers) but it’s because they help me stay on track with my 101 list! A few years ago I did this “year of intention” that was kind of cool – I took my 101 list and scheduled monthly goals posts to go live and tried to force myself to accomplish them. It actually worked well for a few months and then I lost steam because life happened and I wasn’t able to accommodate that. I’ve tried a new recipe for 4 months in a row because it’s been on my list!

Every month as soon as my goals list goes live, I copy/paste the month’s goals to be at the top of the next months goals and I keep track of them that way. Some months it works better than other months, usually depending on how often I open my computer, haha. 😀

What are your end of the year goals?




  1. December 10, 2017 / 4:20 am


  2. December 30, 2017 / 12:20 pm

    Totally did a goals post after reading yours. 🙂 So excited to watch you crush these!

    • December 30, 2017 / 10:54 pm

      YAY! I’m SO excited for the new year and to share + get going on my 2018 goals!!! i went to yours and i love them! i can’t seem to comment on your blog though! 🙁

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