Whole 30 Round 2 Update.

On April 1, I embarked on another round of whole 30. I’ve kind of toyed with it a little here and there since the new year started, but I haven’t stuck with it. Luckily this time I roped Justen into doing it with me, so every time I think “nobody would know if I just got a mocha,” I remember that Justen is missing pizza. and mochas.

Here are some of my favorite meals. and some clarification, because I did make a mistake in one of them.

whole 30 // stephanieorefice.net

Salad from New Seasons + La Croix. I ate every last bite of it. It was so good.

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Here’s where I messed up. Justen loves wings. We impulsively decided at the store to make them. We used Frank’s Hot Sauce + Ghee + Apple Cider Vinegar. They were really good! But as we were getting everything together, I grabbed some corn… which is not at all Whole30 compliant. Oops. Everything else was, though. and the wings were REALLY GOOD.

whole 30 // stephanieorefice.net

Breakfast kind of always looks like this. Egg scramble (eggs + peppers), Whole30 compliant bacon, and a bowl of bananas/berries.

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Dinner at work is hard. They serve food in the Community Center, which I take the kids to, but it’s not always Whole30 compliant! Okay, it’s RARELY Whole30 compliant, so I have to bring my own stuff. A grape/berry mix, a chicken patty with guac and olives wrapped in lettuce and a LaCroix.

whole 30 // stephanieorefice.net

Breakfast scramble: eggs, peppers, olives + Whole30 compliant berries and a bowl of melons.

whole 30 // stephanieorefice.net

One of the things I REALLY wanted to do was try stuffed peppers this time around, so we did that… and I was REALLY disappointed. The chicken didn’t have much flavor, it was difficult to eat (HOW do you eat a stuffed pepper???) and the juice got everywhere. Not the dream I’d imagined. I had half an avocado + plantain chips on the side.

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Okay so let me tell you about this meal. Justen and I were going to make dinner. I looked up a Cilantro Lime chicken recipe, because CILANTRO + LIME = CHIPOTLE. I cooked cauliflower rice and asked if we should add peppers, and then brilliant Justen suggested we just put it all together and then this AMAZING cilantro lime chicken bowl was born. Plus avocado and a bowl of berries/bananas. YES PLEASE. and an americano. πŸ™‚

whole 30 // stephanieorefice.net

I’m really boring. I like cauliflower rice, chicken, avocados and plantain chips. I could eat those for EVERY meal. Plus some grapes and a Lacroix and this is a pretty “Stephanie” Whole30 meal.


So those are my staples and some of the things we’ve tried. Can I just say that having someone else to do Whole30 with me helps SO MUCH? It’s fun to try recipes together.

It’s going really well this time, and I think a lot of it is because I didn’t post it or make a big deal about it, I just quietly decided.

Overall I’m feeling really great… I do miss mochas REALLY BADLY and I’ve lost some weight (we’re doing a weight loss challenge at my church so I have to weigh in every week) so that’s good. I’m looking forward to trying more new recipes and that mocha on May 1 is going to be SO DELICIOUS!


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  1. Travis
    April 14, 2016 / 8:21 am

    Hey, our Whole 30s are over lapping. I started a little later than you though. My first day was the 7th. It’s going pretty well so far, but I have a rehearsal dinner, wedding, and a birthday party in the next two weeks. That’s going to suck, but not feeling bloated all the time and actually fitting into my pants is nice. I’d really like to try and do paleo once I finish, but cookies and chocolate cake and iced coffees with various flavors are so hard to give up.

    • April 22, 2016 / 3:18 pm

      for the sake of honesty, i gave up on day 22. i hope you pushed through! i’m hoping to stick to a mostly paleo diet from here on out. because you can still make sweets when you’re paleo and that’s what i care about lol. ;D

      • Travis
        April 22, 2016 / 3:28 pm

        I’m on day 15 and have been so whiney this week. It seems like my sugar craving have come with a vengeance this time. Next Friday is going to be a real challenge because they are taking us out for work and we can order whatever we want. I got get 4 appetizers, 2 entrees, and 6 desserts if I want. We’ll see…

  2. April 14, 2016 / 8:43 am

    so many pretty colors & meals!!! πŸ™‚ it is so cool that you guys are doing this together! it helps to have accountability!

    also, wings is one of my favorite things to make on whole 30!! πŸ™‚

    andddd if corn is the worst thing you eat then you’re doing pretty good!!

    • April 22, 2016 / 3:19 pm

      i gave up! bleh. i don’t have as much time as i used to, and overall it just stressed me out and made me hungry and cranky and really upset. oh well. i made it 22 days πŸ˜€

  3. April 14, 2016 / 8:47 am

    oh and also i need you to post your cilantro lime chicken bowl recipe please!

    • April 22, 2016 / 3:19 pm

      justen told me i need to post it… so i’ll try to do that soon!

  4. SincerelyShannon
    April 14, 2016 / 9:21 am

    I love stuffed peppers so I’m sorry you didn’t have a good first experience. Not sure if it’s Whole 30 Compliant but this is the recipe I use: http://www.skinnytaste.com/santa-fe-turkey-stuffed-peppers/ (Some modifications: I use ground beef instead of turkey, and just a can of rotel instead of the tomatoes and the serano pepper). So yummy!!!

    • April 22, 2016 / 3:20 pm

      oh what! that looks SO GOOD!!! i’ll definitely have to try that. i still believe that stuffed peppers have the potential to be amazing haha. thanks for the recipe!!

  5. Jasmine @makingrestorations
    April 14, 2016 / 1:46 pm

    I hope you give stuffed peppers another try. It may have just been the recipe you used.

    • April 22, 2016 / 3:20 pm

      i definitely will! i believe in the magic of stuffed peppers ;D

  6. April 15, 2016 / 2:40 pm

    I just gotta say all your food photos are so pretty! I need to make that cilantro lime chicken bowl like right now.

    • April 22, 2016 / 3:21 pm

      thanks!!! && the cilantro lime chicken bowl is seriously SO GOOD – i’ll be posting a recipe soon!!

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