Five on Friday


Happy Friday, y’all!

friday! //

This is my current situation:

currently // stephanieorefice.netCatching up on Catfish, wearing cozy socks and having some coffee + kettle corn for breakfast (breakfast of CHAMPS!!!).

Since it’s Friday, let me share five things with you. 🙂

#1. Interruptions

interruptions //

The other day I got dinner with my friend on the waterfront. While we were there, there was a bridge lift. We enjoyed watching the traffic stop, the bridge rise, and the big boat coming through. The next morning as I slowed down on the freeway for a bridge lift, I found this picture on my phone and took a minute to appreciate moments that force me to stop and to enjoy the moment, knowing that the moment that is making me pause looks different from another angle. And it’s a cool picture of the bridge, thanks.


#2. Final Friday Finance

final friday finance //

You guys, I am really excited about this. My friend Katie and I are starting up a monthly link up called Final Friday Finance. Guess when it goes live and what it’s about… ;) If you write ANY BLOG about finance (budgeting pros/cons, debt repayment, money saving tips/tricks), we want you to come link up. Encouraging each other and reading other people’s success stories (and failures, those help!) is a huge important part for my personal debt repayment journey. and having friends like Brittany who are seriously so invaluable in answering my questions and being honest and vulnerable. So anyway! The link up goes live NEXT FRIDAY, so get your posts all ready to share!


#3. Upsized

upsize //

One day I got a mocha and at the last minute said “can I actually get it in the big size??” and then I was really glad I did because I spent the day with these three adorable tornados. They’re my new pastor’s kids (and a fourth is on the way in a few weeks!) and I’m loving getting to know them.



#4. Four days

lucy and layla //

Only FOUR DAYS until I’m reunited with my favorite little tiny twins. I FaceTimed with them last night and I can’t believe that next week at this time I’ll be WITH THEM. I haven’t been to their house since JANUARY.


#5. Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge

bradley //

My friend Bradley is building his photography business (check out his Facebook page here!) and invited me to come along with him while he took pictures. It was really fun, we were kind of on a safari or something.

At one point I stood on the road, wind flowing through my hair and my dress, sun setting, and I felt so free and so alive. It felt a little bit like I got out of the car and the world around me was full of excitement that I was there. It was so strange and wonderful.

ridgefield wildlife refuge //





Well. it’s been fun. I’m off to visit Susannah. I hope you have a super awesome Friday 🙂

14 thoughts on “Five on Friday

    1. yay!! definitely share for the linkup… i LOVE encouraging people in their finances and reading about how they’re doing. strength in numbers!!! && i’m sure a wedding on the horizon suddenly makes you so aware of what money you have and where it goes!!

      && catfish for the win, forever!

  1. that wildlife refuge sounds so cool! also. great breakfast choice. if i had any of that kettle corn, it’d be LONG GONE. 🙂 also also i love that you are such a fan of little kids! i have babysat a lot, and my friends who have never hung out with kids just confuse me.

    1. the wildlife refuge is AWESOME! i actually hadn’t been there since like 5th grade, but i definitely want to go again and explore. yeah i basically need to eat the little bags of that kettle corn or else i could easily eat the whole big bag in one sitting with popcorn pieces all over my shirt and in my hair, looking like a 4 year old after snack time bahahaha.

      && yes!!! kids are basically my spiritual gift. and my job. haha. ;D

    1. THANK YOU!!! i spent SO LONG looking for a good bedspread and as i trolled the #ikea tag on instagram i kept seeing this bedspread and was like.. yeah i need that. they don’t sell it anymore which makes me SO SAD because sometimes i spill things on it :/

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