15 things that make me so happy

15 things that make me so happy // stephanieorefice.net

ONE // 
CHIPOTLE. Specifically a burrito bowl with white rice, black beans, chicken and a little bit of cheese. With chips and guac. OH GOSH.

TWO // 
Painted finger nails. Mine were painted nicely a few days ago, but now they’re… a hot mess.

Glitter, DUH!

FOUR // 
Tyra Banks. Homegirl is FIERCE!

FIVE // 
Sunshine. It’s freaking cold as heck here, but at least it’s sunny. I’ll take cold and sunny over warm and cloudy ANY DAY.

SIX // 
Camp hadn’t officially posted about the tearing down of the A-Frames, and my post was used to break the news. It’s been shared and commented on a lot on Facebook and seeing the way people love Camp Arnold and reading all of the memories – some from even before I was born! – has brought so much joy to my heart. Just goes to reiterate the words I wrote – Camp Arnold is holy ground.

The Christian Hipster Twitter account. One of my favorites.

My new blog layout. I think. I’ve had the same theme for years, and there were little things about it that always bothered me. I decided to go for a more white look so I could post all the glitter things I want without it seeming like a 7-year-old girl got her own space on the internet (but let’s be real, isn’t that pinterest?)

NINE // 
Being friends with Mary-Keith. It’s like one day we were commenting on her picture on instagram and the next day I felt like I could text message her anything in the entire world. She’s a gem.

TEN // 
My new glasses. I’m still adjusting to the prescription but I love how big they are. Is it lame that I basically didn’t care what they looked like, I just wanted bigger lenses? Maybe I’m just getting old.
bedtime // stephanieorefice.net

You know when you wake up from a really good night’s sleep and you realize your bedding hasn’t moved at all because you were basically too busy sleeping to flail around and have to make your bed in the morning? Yeah that makes me so happy.

Curly Girl Design. I discovered Leigh’s stuff a few years ago and I have been hooked ever since. I have her cards laying all over the place because they’re just so adorable!

The song Follow You by Ben Rector. It’s been my alarm every day for the past year and I still love it. That says a lot.

The glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. They are my favorite part about falling asleep.

When my best friend comes to visit and we go thrifting because that’s one of our favorite things to do. I just love being around her.
thrifting // stephanieorefice.net



  1. November 12, 2014 / 11:42 am

    like, oh my gosh! That’s me!!! I love that we are friends! It is da best! comments on each one. because I CAN!

    1) we already talked about our Love for Chipotle today! But um, did I mention there’s not one anywhere around me!
    2) we are the same person. Painted mine, Sunday. today? woof.
    4)Tyra!!!! yes Tyra! she is fierce!
    5)its cold and cloudy here! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    6)summer camp is the best.
    7)I gotta check out that account, like yesterday
    8)i like the new layout!
    9) again, awwwww shucks!!!!
    10) those glasses are gorg.
    11) I move around way too much in my sleep I don’t think I have ever had that happen to me
    12) I have no money to start a new obsession
    13)YOU LIKE BEN RECTOR!! me too.
    14) glow in the dark anything is awesome
    15) I don’t thrift much. I don’t have the patience or the will power

  2. November 12, 2014 / 3:36 pm

    Making lists makes me happy, along with reading posts in lists forms! I also LOVE LOVE Chipotle and can’t have my nails not-painted. I hate it. My boyfriend of almost 2 1/2 years, told me the other day he’s only seen me without my nails painted twice…now that’s saying something.

    I love this list of happy things. Happy hump day!

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