

Processed with VSCOcam with f1 preset
Three years ago I spent 5 hours holding precious Layla.

Last September I saw her for the second time. I got in the car and she was silent, unsure of how to act around me.
I visited in January, and I was sleeping on the couch when she ran in the room and started asking questions about me.
When I came in May, she was taking a nap when I arrived and ran out and gave me a hug.
Today I went with Ernie to pick her and Lucy up from their baby-sitter’s. We laughed in the car and played for a little bit. In a moment of silly honesty, Layla looked at me and said something I never want to forget.

She said, with all the 3-year-old love in her heart,

“My toenails love you, Snephnee.” ~Layla, age 3



3 thoughts on “toenails

  1. That’s absolutely adorable. Kids can just say the cutest things!
    Your blog is lovely by the way, I enjoy reading it. 🙂

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