Every so often I get this overwhelming urge to try out a pin on pinterest the very moment it shows up in my feed. That’s what happened with this pin about making layers in your hair.
Me + scissors + my hair = TERRIBLE COMBINATION.
Ten years ago I went to get my hair highlighted and instead the lady straight up dyed my hair CANARY YELLOW. It was awful. That began this really terrible time in my life when I would cut my hair like every other week in an attempt to cut out all of the awful color.
Seriously, look at how short my hair was in 2004:
See, here’s my kind of frustrated-at-my-split-ends face:
Today I put my hair in a braid and tried really hard not to think about what I had done. As soon as I got home, I took a shower and said a prayer of gratitude for Birchbox sending me a conditioner (for curly hair though, which is strange…) a few days ago, and then let my hair air dry. Like Teddy Geiger’s tears. I hope someone gets that joke… if not…. just click here.
and this is what the final result is……..
Except I’m not even tripping, because my hair feels so much healthier and whatever it’ll grow back.
Please leave me comments reassuring me that my hair is still long. Thanks!
You have the longest hair in the world.
What’s wrong with short hair??
Silly girl, your hair is definitely still long. 🙂
that is no where near short for reals.