31 Days of song {28/31} – Gold Digger


Song 28 – Gold Digger by Kanye West

So this is what happened. I went to buy a Halloween costume but before I left, I made a vlog that I was going to post in place of typing out a blog entry. And then… well, it wouldn’t really embed. By that, I mean it wouldn’t embed at all. I left anyway.

And though I’ve been home for a few hours, dance partying in my room and thinking about how totally awesome tomorrow will be {a day of not much at all} I only just realized that I’d not written my blog.


When I moved to California I had an interview at Universal Studios. It was a cool interview and I got called back for a group interview. The whole idea was that you were supposed to stand out above everyone else in the room. We were told to say our name, where we were from, and something people might not know about us by looking at us. I said “Hi, my name is Stephanie. I’m from the Pacific Northwest but I moved here 3 days ago… and I can rap 6 Kanye West songs by heart.”

….and then they offered me a job.

I don’t know how my love for this song came to be, it just was. I listened to it over and over and over in my car, and eventually decided I should memorize it. If someone wouldn’t answer their phone when I called them, instead of a voicemail I would rap “Gold Digger” for them. It was a great way for me to work on my memorization skills.

It’s a fun song to know. It makes me happy. Especially the third verse. I love the sound of the third verse.

So here’s this. A little gift for you. If you right click + save as on this link, you can download my cover of “Gold Digger.” It was impromptu. And this is how excited I was for it:

Stephanie Orefice – Gold Digger {Cover}
Remember how I was saying that I went and got a Halloween costume? Well I’d planned on being Elle Woods, but realized that if I put on a pink dress, pink heels and put a pink bow in my hair, nobody would think I dressed up at all. After experiencing some Halloween Costume anxiety about it, I just went and got a costume. Like a real “this is not what I wear on a day-to-day basis” costume.

Here’s a bit of a clue:

Aside from that, today I went in the Disney store and had to leave because I almost cried. I miss Southern California. My remedy was to grab dinner at Panera, which instantly made me miss Rachel.. who is in Southern California, living in an apartment without me.I wish all of my friends would just stop living far away from each other. 

Yes. Posting Song 28 with five whole minutes to spare!

1 thought on “31 Days of song {28/31} – Gold Digger

  1. “I’d planned on being Elle Woods, but realized that if I put on a pink dress, pink heels and put a pink bow in my hair, nobody would think I dressed up at all.” I literally laughed out loud at this. :) 
    Happy Sunday! Thinking of you!

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