31 Days of Song – {26/31} Last to Speak

Song #26 – Last to Speak by Allen Stone

Allen Stone – Last to Speak {youtube video}

This one is a strategically placed song. Because tonight, Allen Stone is going to be on Conan. And you’re all required to watch him now that you know. and in case you’ve not noticed, I’m posting this at 7 AM. It’s that important to me. 🙂

I know Allen because of Brandon Ghorley {and if you think you’re going to go 31 days of songs without hearing about The BGP, you are extremely mistaken}. From the beginning I have just loved Allen. He is so great and I wish I could fold him up and stick him in my pocket. Last summer at the BGP’s CD release show I kept lamenting to Jami that I wished Allen was there. When I saw a tall dude with a blonde ponytail, I RAN ACROSS THE ROOM and hugged him. Because I was that happy to see him.

Last month at the Hanson concert in Seattle, Mei-Ling leaned over and said to me “is that Allen?” and I looked over and saw a tall guy with a blonde ponytail. So I naturally ran to the other side of the venue and creepily walked around the guy before realizing it was some strange middle aged man and walked back, shoulders drooping, to announce it was not Allen.

When I first heard Allen’s music, it was really Jesus-y. Which is fine. I love me some CCM. But then he started coming out with these songs that weren’t about Jesus, and it was even more fantastic. But then there is this song. I don’t remember the first time I heard Allen sing it, though I wish I did because that would be a really great, dramatic story to tell.

All I know is that this song puts words to my heart, to my struggles with the church and the way Christianity is played out. It’s real. Just like Allen. He is real. and I think he is great.

You can say what you want about Allen. But you really cannot deny that he is probably one of the most talented people you have ever heard about. and I sometimes sit back and feel all proud of him for how well he is doing.

And. You have no idea the kinds of emotions I felt when this happened. Enough to where I screen capped it.

one of my fondest Allen moments – Crazy @ the Q Cafe. There was another band that evening who accidentally introduced the BGP {the Brandon Ghorley Project} as the Peter Ghorley Project. Which is why Mei-Ling and I busted into a fit of giggles when Brandon introduced himself as Peter Ghorley. This gave me a lot of giggles, too.


That on the left? That’s what happens every time I see Allen.




  1. mei-ling
    October 27, 2011 / 7:29 pm

    i just watched the conan performance.. so freaking awesome.

    • October 27, 2011 / 11:12 pm

      i know rightttttt? he is flawless. I have a small mini confession to make to you sometime. remind me. 

      • mei-ling
        October 29, 2011 / 1:24 am

        …i think i can guess…

        • October 29, 2011 / 1:49 pm

          if you can guess, then i am giving you half of the best friends necklace i’ve had for like 5 years. 

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