31 Days of Song {1/31}

If Annie and Marisa are doing it, then I must be a part of it as well because I think those two are cool. Read about it here.

I chose 31 days of song, because despite my verbosity in specific subjects or areas of opinions, I am awful at relaying my emotions. My real emotions, the things that keep me up at night or the stuff I have to write about over and over again in my journals. But you know what helps me figure it out? Songs. Other people’s songs. Safety in numbers, you’re not alone songs.

Madeleine L’Engle, in A Wrinkle in Time, describes a tesseract like this: the fastest way from point A to point B is not a straight line, but it is to bend the line and bring the two points together. A tesseract. Time travel. Bypassing the linear journey that takes you or took you somewhere. Tessering is a beautiful thought for me. And one day I realized that there is, indeed, such thing as a tesseract. Music. Certain songs have a way of transporting you from where you’re at to where you once were. and I love it.

So I am choosing to spend time every day for the month of October sharing a song. It might not be a well-known song, it might not be a song with much explanation needed, but I’m doing it.


Song #1: Corey’s Coming by Harry Chapin
{youtube video}

I’ve always attributed my imagination to Barney, but I’d bet that Harry Chapin’s storytelling songs had something to do with it. They’re all stories, and not just love stories. Since I was little I’ve carried around an image in my head of Old John Joseph, the man sung about in Corey’s Coming.

My mom loves Harry Chapin; he’s her favorite artist. I wish that I’d been born in time to go to a Harry Chapin concert with her. When she told me that she’d seen him and even met him a few times,  my heart swelled with so much joy because I know how special those moments and those times can be.

But we do have some old VHS tapes my mom recorded of broadcasts of his concerts.

Don’t tell my mom, but I’m going to get her a Harry Chapin DVD for Christmas.

ps  he’s the guy that wrote “Cat’s in the Cradle.”



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