change, part 1.

My brain is really scattered all of the time. And it’s full of pictures {which makes it hard to describe 94% of anything I’m thinking} and colors, sounds and sparkles. For the past fourteen or so years of my life, this has reflected in my room. Any room I’ve occupied has always been very pink, usually with things hanging from the ceiling, covered in memories and creations and pictures.

Brace yourselves for this, people.

I’ve started to outgrow it.
Not the colors in my head, but the need to be surrounded by it all of the time.

Can I admit something to you, too?
Up until I moved to Southern California, there was one thing all of my bedrooms had. A dance floor. I always arranged my rooms so that there was a nice chunk of the floor to dance on without running into things.

I’ve started to outgrow the bedroom dance floor.

In May I started a project. It started when I began simultaneously unpacking the past 8 months of my life while packing for the next 2. and my room has been in a state of chaos since then.

But on Tuesday, I finished as much of it as I could at this stage. There will be painting and strategic hanging and perhaps even strategic creating in the future, but this is it for now.

To some of you it might just look like I’ve cleaned up my room and thrown a bunch of stuff away. For those of you that know me intimately, you can appreciate this for the change and growth that it is.

I will miss having a dance floor, though. That is for darn sure.

I’ve been thinking a lot about change and have a lot to write on that matter, but it is an hour and forty minutes past my bedtime.

Two of my favorite people, Gregory and Sarah started blogs today. For a minute I wondered if it was secretly my birthday or something. That’s how happy it made me.


1 Comment

  1. Jessica Bolt
    September 24, 2011 / 2:26 pm

    I love that blanket! 🙂

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