
First: Emily graduated.
With high honors.
and a clear direction of where she’s going.
and we celebrated.

Today we looked at photo albums, some with pictures of when I first met Emily. She was just a small child! 10-years-old. I’d just graduated high school myself. Now she is a beautiful high school graduate full of life and creativity and the Power to change the world.

….and did I mention she’ll be back in Seattle? Such an easier drive than to San Francisco.

Second: we celebrated.

I declared yesterday the best day ever.
Some girls I love the most of all came to celebrate Emily.
and I love this picture, because these girls mean the most to me.
After the party, Emily and I sat by the fire and talked about “family” and the love we have for and in and through and with our friends, how our love is not convenient and it has to last us many days without the other people. How we should make sure to become the type of women who set aside a weekend every year to escape together and spend time pouring love into each other.

Emily’s graduation is the first of yearly celebrations. I anticipate more grad announcements and hearing about the excitement and fear and anticipation of graduating, deciding what to do, and embarking.

I’ve no idea what any of these girls will end up doing with their lives, but all I know is that I’m going to pray them through and cheer them on every step of the way, beaming with pride that I get to experience it with them.


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