Day 15 – The person you miss the most.


Day 15 — The person you miss the most

Given the fact that  I just moved many hours away from home, I feel I have earned the right to miss a few people. I frequently write about not using the painfully obvious answer for these prompts. The painfully obvious answer to this would be that I miss my parents the most. But aside from them, I have created two pairs of the people I miss the most; two girls, two boys. Let me present them to you.

Shocking, I know. Bramwell and Elias. I am always missing them when I’m not near them, whether that is when I am at camp and they are not or if it is Friday and I haven’t seen them since church on Sunday. They are two of my all-time favorite people. I’ve known both of them for the entirety of their lives and have more fun with them than anybody. We have gone on spy missions to protect the world, dinosaur adventures, I once attempted to teach 4-year-old Elias how to subtract, Elias pooped on me when he was a baby, Bramwell threw up on my Easter outfit before church started one year… and I miss them something fierce. I once had this thought that I might be one of those people who gets the school pictures in the mail and comments on how big they look because I haven’t seen them in a long while, and that thought broke my heart. They have taught me how to love in ways I never knew my heart was capable of loving.

…and then there’s Cassie and Katie. Cassie is one of the kindest, most hospitable people I’ve ever met in my entire life. We’ve done a lot of grabbing lunch at the mall, having coffee before church, and sitting in her living room doing absolutely nothing and enjoying every second of it. I pray for her consistently and am thankful to have someone who is so unlike me in my life.

and Katie. Katie can talk smack like nobody’s business…. and I love it. She is feisty and sassy and yet still deeply available for genuine conversation. She has this really awesome pink sweater that I love and I just enjoy when I see her.

Right before I moved, we became very avid Dutch Blitz players and in the weeks between camp and moving, I saw these two girls almost more than I saw anyone else, my family included. I miss them very much and cannot wait for the day they come to visit me…… hinthinthint!!! 🙂
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — The place you wish you were from
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Something that makes you different
Day 20 — Your favorite television shows
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Your pet peeves
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — A life changing moment
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The thing you most enjoy doing
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — Your talent
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

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