This is a true story about my friend Laura.
Today we were looking at the people of walmart (.com) and there was a lady from Florida. Laura looked at the word and said… “Flo Rida. People from Florida always spell it that way…. wait. that spells Florida.”
and I kid you not it was one of the funniest things I’ve ever experienced. Granted, it was getting fairly late and we’d been looking at funny websites so we had a case of the giggles, but still. Hysterical.
This is me and my friend Laura:
I would also like to point out that I think Laura’s little sister is the funniest person on the planet. Myself and Hannah had Easter dinner with Laura’s family last night and her sister was just cracking me up.
— ….that was yesterday, this is today. —
if only I could capture the fun of this experience. it’s amazing.
California, you’re seductive.