101 in 1001

i started a 101 in 1001 awhile ago and i made the mistake of listing 101 things i felt would make me more of the person i want to be, hoping that i could check off items on a list to become a better and more person. having learned a lot about myself and the slightly empty nature of reducing self-growth to a list, i have come up with a new list. effective immediately.

start date: december 14th, 2011
finish date: september 10, 2014 {46/101 complete} — 45.54% done as of 8.18.14
bold ones are works-in-progress.

001. visit 5 far-away friends {5/5 california dec ’11, california june ’12, california sept ’12, san francisco april ’13, socal may ’13}
002. go to disneyland
003. paint my room or office
004.  walk across the i5 bridge.
005. finish reading the harry potter series
006.  finish reading the entire Bible
007. send 101 pieces of mail {101/101} – lauren {x4}, amanda, dave, aleen {x2}, graham {x3}, sean, gregory{x4}, erlinda, mitchell, gretchen, ernie, krystin, rhoda {x4}, kyle, stacy, hayden, wikles, bradley, john, jazzy {x2}, emma, rachel {x2}, chanelle {x3}, lisa, taylor {x3}, claire {x2}, katie {x3}, amina, sophia {x2}, tucker {x3}, emily {x2}, janell, bob, lauren, tracy, chuck, reardons, christine {x2}, helms, parkers, victoria, bre, gohar, yadens, kim {2}, ila {x2}, nancy, trina, shane, kiley {x3}, brittany p {x2}, heather, brittany b, katherine, rachel {x2}, danielle, stacy, pura vida bracelets, jill, sarah, abi, chloe, ellen, evey, leon, anney, bee, worldvision}
008. write 1,000 words every day for a month
009. participate in a 5k
010. hike to the top of multnomah falls
011. perfect a raspberry white chocolate chip recipe
012. document 10 ordinary days in pictures {02/10}
013. wear a different outfit every day for a month
014. spend nothing but gas money for a month
015. play a set of my own music somewhere
016. buy a guitar
017. play an open mic with that guitar from #16
018. paint my desk
019. finish both of my inspiration books
020. organize my greeting cards
021. go camping
022. buy coffee for the person behind me in line
023. complete the 100 pushup challenge
024. leave 101 encouraging post its
025. memorize the book of philippians
026. sew a dress  {blog}
027. buy new glasses
028. lose 25 pounds {20/25}
029. bury a time capsule
030. leave a $20 tip for a meal under $10
031. watch 5 of my friends’ favorite movies with them {that i’ve never seen} {2/5}

  • the sound of music with hilary
  • billy elliot with sarah

032. create a photo/devo book and sell 5 copies of it
033. make up a secret handshake with someone
034. buy a new bedframe
035. send a letter to every state {13/50 – california, colorado, connecticut, delaware, illinois, indiana, north carolina, oregon, tennessee, texas, washington, wyoming, virginia}
036. carve a pumpkin

037. read 50 books {50/50}

  1. harry potter & the half-blood prince
  2. harry potter & the deathly hallows
  3. how to teach filthy rich girls
  4. confessions of a shopaholic
  5. shopaholic takes manhattan
  6. shopaholic ties the knot
  7. shopaholic & sister
  8. shopaholic & baby
  9. mini-shopaholic
  10. someday my prince will come
  11. something borrowed
  12. something blue
  13. can you keep a secret?
  14. twenties girl
  15. city of ember
  16. people of sparks
  17. prophet of yonwood
  18. sweet little lies
  19. the undomestic goddess
  20. the diamond of darkhold
  21. the curious incident of dog in the night-time
  22. legally blonde
  23. dateable: are you, are they?
  24. bright evening star
  25. authentic beauty
  26. and it was good
  27. perfectly unique
  28. the rock that is higher
  29. 7
  30. angry conversations with God
  31. remember me?
  32. la candy
  33. love walked in
  34. the hiding place
  35. choosing to see
  36. the Bible
  37. love does
  38. how to be single
  39. storyline
  40. what can be found in lost
  41. sugar queen
  42. the gospel according to lost
  43. uglies
  44. pretties
  45. bread and wine
  46. specials
  47. marriable
  48. the summer of the great-grandmother
  49. your first two years in youth ministry
  50. orsbornagain

038. tech-free pre-bedtime hour for a month
039. ride a train somewhere – to san jose!
040. no eating after 8 pm for a month
041. give up coffee {completely} for a week
042. renew my passport
043. organize our pantry
044. acquire an apron
045. get a credit card
046. do a photo shoot for someone
047. make a map of everywhere i’ve been
048. go rollerskating
049. update my concert list
050. crochet a scarf
051. find an accountability partner
052. add $1,000 to my savings
053. go soda-less for a month
054. stand in the atlantic ocean
055. finish/empty 15 lotions/perfumes/sprays {15/15}
056. go to 5 movies alone {5/5}

  1. the house at the end of the street {11.16.12}
  2. looper {12.4.12}
  3. the perks of being a wallflower {01.06.13}
  4. the guilt trip {02.26.13}
  5. believe {12.25.13}

057. hold lucy and layla
058. make my bed every morning for a month  {blog}
059. send 10 care packages {10/10 – leah, brittany, emily, christine, rhoda, travis, joey, katie, taylor, lucy&layla}
060. donate 101 items
061. build a snowman
062. donate blood
063. complete the 365 project
064. see 10 musicals {5/10}

  1. legally blonde – march 2, 2012: walnut creek, ca
  2. wicked – march 27, 2012: portland, or
  3. aladdin – september 26, 2012; disneyland, ca
  4. legally blonde – october 6, 2012; portland, or
  5. wicked – october 26, 2012; seattle, wa
  6. aladdin – ; beaverton, or

065. take 101 pictures of things that make me happy.
066. take my parents out 10xs {6/10}

  • took dad to bushel and peck {11/05/12}
  • took dad to bushel and peck {12/21/12}
  • took mom  to french market @ disneyland {5/15/13}
  • took mom to blue bayou @ Disneyland {5/17/13}
  • took mom to see nonstop
  • took dad to see something grand {4/19/14}

067. eat only fruits & veggies for a week
068. go horseback riding
069. collect all my change for 1001 days
070. color an entire coloring book and send it to travis batista
071. turn old t-shirts into a t-shirt quilt
072. answer the 50 questions that will free your mind
073. try one new recipe a month for a year
074.  eat a tomato
075. visit 25 new coffeeshops {25/25}

  1. random order {9/11/12 with beckie. we saw a goat wearing a scarf}
  2. blue kangaroo coffee roasters {10/07/12. i attempted a massive dot-to-dot.}
  3. holstein’s coffee company {11/10/12. while at the young adult retreat}
  4. bushel and peck {12/21/12. the world didn’t end}
  5. river maiden {1/3/13, with justin who was visiting from nashville}
  6. albina press {1/3/13, with stephanie}
  7. bertolino’s espresso bar {1/11/13}
  8. diva espresso {1/12/13, with emily. they had a packy magnet!}
  9. coffee culture {2/25/13, with bradley. we saw his friend ethan}
  10. the fresh pot {2/26/13. they have elephants on their cups}
  11. elevated coffee {3/15/13. a beautiful white baby grand!}
  12. big dog coffee {3/16/13. for ashley’s baby shower}
  13. monti’s cafe {3/22/13, with susannah. I got a LAVENDAR latte}
  14. tula bakery & cafe {4/8/13, with cassie. gluten-free!}
  15. extracto coffee {4/19/13, with anna}
  16. broadway coffee {5/27/13, with amanda}
  17. black rock coffee { 7/3/13, with kim}
  18. cottage bakery & cafe {7/13/13, with rhoda}
  19. stomping grounds {7/14/13, with andrew}
  20. rimsky {7/22/13, with wayne. i texted numbers left in books}
  21. red e cafe {7/23/13 with yumi. before our hike}
  22. edgehill cafe {9/13/13 with amanda after eating at taco mamacita in nashville}
  23. slow hand coffee {9/14/13 with the batistas at centennial park. they were very slow.}
  24. crema {9/15/13 !!!!! with chuck}
  25. portland brew {9/15/13 immediately following crema, with chuck and kirstin}

076. visit someplace haunted
077. turn all of my dad’s recipes into a cookbook for him
078. wear pink every day for a month
079. collect a postcard from every state {13/50 – alaska, arizona, california, colorado, delaware, iowa, montana, nebraska, north dakota, oregon, tennessee, utah, virginia}
080. be an extra in something
081. complete a sh1ft.org photo project. {edit: or a 30-day photo challenge}
082. celebrate 12/12/12 in some great way. 12 is my fave number.  {blog}
083. get 8 hours of sleep for 2 weeks in a row
084. write a book of babysitting stories and give a copy to each family mentioned in it.
085. organize my magazine clippings.
086. pray for someone i don’t like every day for a month. {blog}
087. sleep in 25 different places {25/25}

  1. girls apt; monrovia, ca {12/16/11}
  2. noland’s; irwindale, ca {12/17/11}
  3. patterson house; beaverton, or {1/26/12}
  4. kaytlyn’s house; burlington, wa {2/24/12}
  5. birksfam; pacifica, ca {3/2/12}
  6. rhoda’s house; eatonville, wa {3/16/12}
  7. oxford suites; spokane, wa {3/23/12}
  8. nottle’s house; eatonville, wa {3/24/12}
  9. tucker’s house; eatonville, wa {4/21/12}
  10. camp arnold; eatonville, wa {summer 2012}
  11. where rhoda house sat; graham, wa {8/19/12}
  12. shevaun’s house; shoreline, wa {8/20/12}
  13. comfort inn; anaheim, ca {9/24/12}
  14. disneyland hotel; anaheim, ca {9/27/12}
  15. hood river inn; hood river, or {11/10/12}
  16. mei-ling’s apartment; seattle, wa {12/07/12}
  17. brittany’s apartment; tacoma, wa {1/11/13}
  18. camp kuratli; boring, or {4/12/13}
  19. anna’s house; vancouver, wa {4/15/13}
  20. lyon’s house; lake forest park, wa {4/29/13}
  21. paradise pier hotel; anaheim, ca {5/14/13}
  22. moore street corps; portland, or {5/26/13}
  23. graybeal residence; salem, or {5/27/13}
  24. yant residence; beaverton, or {7/13/13}
  25. behannon residence; east nashville, tn {9/8/13}

088. put $5 in savings for every completed task
089. donate $5 for every incomplete task at the end
090. have a spa night with homemade beauty treatments.
091. attend 5 crafting class/workshops
092. buy a pumphouse brick
093. buy a dresser for my room
094. make and finish {to the best of my ability} daily to-do list for a month
095. buy flowers for my room once a month for a year
096. take a self portrait each month for a year
097. start my people project
098. blog about each completed number
099. decorate a gingerbread house
0100. have a bbq to celebrate finishing this list.
0101. create a new 101 list.


  1. May 2, 2012 / 8:50 pm

    You should try NaNoWriMo this year. The requirement ends up being 1,667 words a day so it would accomplish #8. Btw, I love your goal to write 101 letters!

  2. Beckie
    September 12, 2012 / 8:57 am

    When we go roller skating you can mark one off your list!!

    • September 12, 2012 / 9:31 am

      last night i was updating this, and i realized that!!!

  3. mei-ling
    January 1, 2013 / 1:25 pm

    i just re-read this list and i think it’s awesome. you’re awesome, steph.

  4. Rebecca Pace
    February 11, 2014 / 11:06 pm

    I love this idea! I want to make my own list!

      • May 7, 2014 / 10:15 am

        do it!! i’m starting again in october! we should have some overlapping ones 🙂

  5. July 10, 2014 / 10:17 pm

    Memorize the book of Philippians! Girl – DO IT! I, miraculously, memorized the book of James and it was amazing. There is nothing better than hiding God’s Word in your heart.

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