101 in 1001 x 3

This is my THIRD 101 list! That means I’ve spent almost 5.5 years of my adult life living with these lists. My first one, I accomplished 46 of the 101 things. My second one, I accomplished 44. This year, let’s shoot for at least 51 can I get an amen?! I’m learning about what is realistic and what isn’t – basically I keep re-learning what I wrote in my post about what I learned the first time I attempted the 101 in 1001 Days list.

101 in 1001 Part 3.

start date: june 9, 2017
finish date: march 5, 2020
number completed: 19
percentage completed: 18.81% {as of december 30, 2017}
bold ones are works-in-progress.


1. Have a positive net worth
2. Do a debt free scream
3. Attend Financial Peace University
4. Pay off my car
5. Hit $10,000 total sales on Poshmark {$6,599 of $10,000 – 65.99%}
6. Have a No Spend Month
7. Save my change and splurge on day 500 and 1001
8. Earn $250 in free gift cards {$60 of $250 – 24%}

Others {4/10 – 40%}

9. Hold Lucy & Layla {June + July, 2017}
10. Send 101 letters {5/101 – 4.9%}
11. Leave a $20 tip for a bill under $10 @ Felida Coffeehouse in Dec 2017
12. Send Hannah a birthday card each year (2018 / 2019)
13. Send Cillian a birthday card each year (2018 / 2019)
14. Send all Wedding Thank You’s
15. Take a picture with my birthday buddies {7.15.17}
16. Convince someone to start a 101 in 1001 list Mary-Keith started one!
17. Send 101 Christmas cards {8 of 101 – 7.92%}
18. Send 25 Valentines

Adventure + Explore {4/9 – 44.44%}

19. Sleep under the stars
20. Go on 20 hikes

  1. Wander wag at Camp Arnold {7.15.17}

21. Visit a new state June 10, 2017 {blog}
22. Watch the sun rise and set on the same day June 10, 2017 {blog}
23. Renew my passport
24. Stand in the Atlantic Ocean June 11, 2017 {blog}
25. See Crater Lake
26. Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
27. Create a Day in Vancouver guide and post on my blog

Health + Wellness {2/8 – 25%}

28. Complete 2 rounds of Whole 30 {1 of 2 completed}
29. Lose 45 pounds {9 of 45 lbs lost –  20%}
30. Go to bed before 10 pm every night for a week
31. Finish 3 StepBet Games {1 of 3 completed}
32. Upgrade my Fitbit Black Friday 2017
33. Complete a TIU Challenge
34. Consume 64 ounces of water every day for 2 weeks December 2017
35. Run 101 miles

Blog-related {0/11}

36. Accomplish my secret social media goals
37. Host a 30 day photo challenge
38. Blog about each completed number {3/101 – 2.97% completed}
39. Review 5 months of Birchboxes
40. Post 200 new blog posts {27{November Goals}/200 – 11% completed}
41. Clean up my blog’s “draft” folder
42. Do a Project 12
43. Post an empties post every month for a year
44. Set 10 goals a month for a year and finish 90 of them.
45. Organize the files on my external hard drive
46. Post a blog every day for a month

Eat+Read+Watch+Hear {3/20 – 15%}

47. 50 different coffee shops {20/50 – 40%}

  1. Billy Goat Coffee House in Mt. Juliet, TN
  2. Rembrandt’s in Chattanooga, TN
  3. Lionheart Coffee in Beaverton, OR
  4. Lasater’s in Mt. Juliet, TN
  5. Honest Coffee Roasters in Franklin, TN
  6. Caffe Piccolo in Camas, WA
  7. Compass Coffee in Vancouver, WA
  8. Thump Coffee in Bend, OR
  9. Extracto in Portland, OR
  10. Portland Coffee Roasting in Portland, OR
  11. Coava Coffee in Portland, OR
  12. Upper Left Roasters in Portland, OR
  13. Nossa Familia in Portland, OR
  14. Portola Coffee Roasters in Costa Mesa, CA
  15. Sleepy Monk Coffee in Cannon Beach, OR
  16. Presso Coffee in Portland, OR
  17. Felida Coffee in Vancouver, WA
  18. Fillmore Coffee in Portland, OR
  19. Kainos Coffee in Portland, OR
  20. Albina Press in Vancouver, WA

48. Create a signature espresso drink
49. Try 5 new restaurants {5/5 – 100%}

  1. Up a Rooftop Lounge in Nashville, TN
  2. Gray’s on Main in Franklin, TN
  3. Jack Stack BBQ in Kansas City, KS
  4. Mill City in Camas, WA
  5. Pelican Brewing in Cannon Beach, OR

50. Try a new recipe every month for a year {5/12 – 41.66%}

  1. August 2017
  2. Whole 30 Chili – September 2017
  3. October 2017
  4. Salsa Verde Chicken – November 2017
  5. Peppermint Brownies – December 2017

51. Grow a plant I can eat
52. Memorize 3 of my favorite recipes {1 of 3 – 33%}
53. Take a cooking class
54. Make macarons {7/26/17}
55. Learn how to make my own batch of tea
56. 10 concerts
57. Read 50 books {7/50 – 14%}

  1. Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince
  2. Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows
  3. Lifestyle Blogging Basics
  4. Loner
  5. Invisible Influence
  6. The Cheapskate Next Door
  7. Living Well, Spending Less

58. Keep a shelf empty and fill it with books as I read them for a year
59. Re-read the Bible
60. Re-read the Harry Potter series
61. Watch all of the Harry Potters movies {5/8 – 62.5%}
62. Watch 20 movies that Justen wants me to see {4/20 – 20%}
63. Throw or attend an Oscars party
64. Watch all of the Oscars best pic nominees before the Oscars
65. Watch all of the Star Wars movies {1/8 – 12.5%}
66. Finish listening to every song in my iTunes library
{A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z}

Self {4/25 – 16%}

67. Cancel Netflix for 3 months
68. Buy fresh flowers once a month for (at least) 1 year {1/12 – 8.33%}
69. Work for myself
70. Bowl over 100 6/26/2017
71. Wear earrings every day for a month & get rid of any I don’t wear or like
72. Get rid of all but 50 pens
73. Create a new 101 in 1001 list
74. Write 1,000 words a day for a month
75. Make a list of 25 things I like about myself {blog post here}
76. Complete the 5000 survey (found here)
77. Marry Justen Martian
78. Memorize “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
79. Get rid of all but 5 nail polishes and don’t buy any more until I’ve used those up 🙂
80. Wear a different outfit every day for a month
81. Buy 5 things from Etsy {4/5 – 80%}

  1. Printable Happies Door Mat
  2. Wedding Locket
  3. Printable Happies Sweatshirt
  4. Charm of Donna for my Wedding

82. Document 5 ordinary days in pictures
83. Celebrate 10 random holidays

  1. National Teddy Bear Picnic Day

84. Attend a pro sports game
85. Donate blood
86. Buy 10 vinyls
87. Complete a 1000+ piece puzzle in one day
88. Take 101 photos with my Instax
89. Learn how to identify 5 different constellations
90. Use up 25 smelly things
91. Incorporate 5 essential oils into my daily routine {2/5 – 16.67%}

  1. Lemon EO + Witch Hazel as a face toner
  2. Serenity on my feet before bed

Make + Create {2/10 – 10%}

92. Turn a skirt into a dress
93. Organize my craft supplies
94. Paint my desk
95. Take 101 pictures of things that make me happy
96. Get a learning to write workbook and finish it with my left hand
97. Send 20 care packages using Birchboxes
98. Finish 2 journals
99. Finish my list of 1001 things I’m thankful for.
100. Make a meal using only food purchased at the Farmer’s Market
101. Write a letter to be opened on day 1001.  {blog post scheduled}




